Cocktail Generator

Make My Cocktail

Black Watch

Ingredient List
Ingredient Category Amt
(preferred: Scotch)
Spirit1.5 oz.
Coffee LiqueurCoffee LiqueurLiqueur1.5 oz.
Soda WaterSoda WaterCarbonated0.5 oz.

Glassware & Equipment
Rocks GlassRocks Glass
Bar SpoonBar Spoon
Mixing GlassMixing Glass
Tap or hover over image for description

Our Recommendations
Find additional recommendations at our Equipment & Glassware page found here.
  1. Fill your rocks glass with ice
  2. Fill a mixing glass 2/3 full with cracked ice
  3. Add the scotch and coffee liqueur to the mixing glass
  4. Stir your cocktail for 30-45 seconds
  5. Strain the mixing glass contents into the rocks glass
  6. Top off the glass with soda water
  7. Lastly, garnish your cocktail with a lemon twist

Black Watch